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What is this all about:

To Serve Well is dedicated to encouraging, inspiring, sparking joy, creating insights, and cheering on readers to lives of significance, excellence and strength!   I’d like to provide sound thinking and actionable steps you can take to create the life that thrills you and serves others in the best possible way.

Okay, so I love quotes, but sometimes I wonder just why the author had that thought…was it just serendipity?  So let me tell you, this quote is defining of how I view the world. My views are often rooted from great books, life changing conversations, travel and wisdom literature..and often from the scriptures.    It is my feeling that we all have been placed here at this exact time to fulfill our purpose in the place where God has us at this time in our journey.  That might be living on a beautiful farm in Kansas, a cool studio in New York,  or an incredible flat in Scotland.  Regardless of where we find ourselves, it is right there where we have a decision to make, as to what our “best yes” is and how we can best serve out our lives.

What can you expect:
I am currently moving to a weekly newsletter format.  Prior to that I had generally posted brief blogs two to three times a week.   In this evolution of my writing, I have and will continue to look at intelligence from google analytics and other tools to meet the needs of the readers the best I can.  The process is fluid and always considered a test and learn situation, so your feedback and thoughts are important to me.  Please don’t hesitate to let me know what you think would make it even better!

Some of you may know that I was writing a book and the update on that is that it is primarily done.  My mom became ill about the time I was going to publish this and I just feel like it’s not the time to publish.  It’s a short read, but I do want to get it out in the universe.  I’ll let God help lead me into when the right time is, but I do thank everyone that has recalled that and periodically asked. I. can’t wait to share it!  

Finally, folks do ask me how they can help, and the very best thing they can do is to share the insights, as well as to sign up to receive this by email.  Email, although that somehow feels archaic to me, is still the best way to track data from readers to improve content.   Thank you so much for your support and I hope you will find great value and share it with your friends, family and tribe!