First of all, apologies for the language choice. My perspective has always been that the appropriate use of a word should be acceptable as long as it’s not mean spirited… that is never okay.
THIS. This makes the point that needs to be made. To those on the relentless path to growth, a huge shout out to you today! You are brave and are right where you are supposed to be. Keep that mental focus and conquer it all. You are a warrior!
I’m sure most of you know that change is not something for the faint of heart. It’s not even close to easy for the stoic, the strong, the wisest among us.
You see, understanding the areas we need to grow in and then actually making the CHOICE to face them head on is real work. It’s the kind of work that might create some uncomfortable moments, and for many of us, a few tears. Tears are healing, though. A wonderful person once told me tears are how we cleanse our soul. I like that idea. To be a better person, to serve well, to grow in all areas of your life takes work and that work is the best kind. It’s in my opinion exactly what we are supposed to be doing in order to achieve our best self.
I’m cheering you on!
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