Site icon To Serve well

A life of Honor, a tribute to Denise Henning


The world lost one of it’s greatest on Sunday – my dear friend Denise Henning. This blog’s purpose is to talk about “serving well” and how to live a life of excellence, in our everyday lives… in the community, at work or school or at home. Denise’s life was a template for excellence and provides a role model for us all.

In fact, Denise did this so well that it appeared effortless to those of us who knew her. In every circle she quietly served, encouraged and uplifted every chance she could. I learned over the last few days of her life, that it wasn’t effortless for her, in fact, she often doubted her impact. This should not have been a surprise, because Denise lived her life as a HUMBLE SERVANT. This my friends is a well served lesson on being intentional about living out your call to a life of excellence despite the doubts and the human conditions that we face. We have a choice to move forward positively despite enormous challenges that can at times overcome and overtake us if we allow.

As we learn and grow from her legacy, we should truly take time to consider what it can teach us. As the days go by, my prayer is that despite whatever challenges and doubts that you may face, that you keep going, and press forward.

Keep thinking about what you can do “today” to make our world better and brighter…

To make a ripple, and advance the game.
To spend time with those you love,
to humbly & quietly serve,
to share your vulnerabilities with others,
to encourage and spread joy every chance you get,
to fight until the end,
to change the game, to raise the bar,

Denise, my friend, it was nothing short of a GREAT HONOR to be your friend.