I would love for you all to stop and take a look at this photo.
You likely don’t know what it represents so allow me to share. This was taken a mere 7 days ago in Bethlehem, near the wall that has been erected to block the fighting between Palestine and Israel. (Formally known as the Israeli West Bank barrier- spanning 430 miles.) The “wall’s” first segment was complete in 2003. From 2000-2003 there were 73 suicide bombing carried out in this area called the West Bank and in the period after built, 8/2003 to 12/2006, there were only 12 attacks. The “wall” built to protect civilians seems to be doing the job that was intended at first glance.
On the other side of the story, these children I photographed do not know life without the “wall” and their government (Palestinian) would argue that the barrier includes reduced freedoms including access to medical care and educational services, as well as limiting access to water sources and ultimately economic effects.
In summary, the United Nations 2005 reports states it best, “…it is difficult to overstate the humanitarian impact of the Barrier.”
As I always promise to keep these blogs short and thought-provoking, I want to simply ask today that you think about this situation. There are of course multiple issues surrounding this topic, so I don’t want to minimalize it, but I do want us to think about how this matters to us in the United States. Here are three simple thoughts to get you started…
- The world is really a small place- As ISIS and other threats seem to close in, should we really be so simple-minded to think that couldn’t exist here in the USA? This election IS IMPORTANT. We must take the time to learn about the candidates and vote responsibily.
- Education is critical. It occurs to me that I had no real understanding that this existed a few days ago. My children likely know a bit less than I do and they are 19. We must do better and gain a greater understanding of our world.
- PEACE should be top of mind for our prayers and in our actions. Where can you promote peace? Where can you promote a greater understanding? My friend Mindy Corporon who lost her son and father tragically by a sick man almost two years ago, has launched an initiative called Seven Days, whose goal is to promote just this- A greater understanding. I urge you to check out the site and pick out one or two events that you will attend during this year’s activities which run from April 12-18 in our area. SEEK PEACE AT ALL COSTS.
(Photo Creds: My Own)
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