47 Days. That’s the magic number until the page turns again. This one into a year of great expectation –– 2021. But a lot can happen in 47 days to make this one count even more so we should be alert. Each and every day is a gift, as we have learned this year.
During one of my Peloton bike rides this week, Alex Toussaint –– who I think is a flat-out amazing instructor due to his outrageous ability to encourage –– cited the phrase in the photo above…
My thought: Let’s find it… (rhythm, groove and pace). Let’s find it today and let’s recommit to it everyday… Let’s countdown the next 47 days by listening to every bit of uplifting music and reading and watching only what positions us for positive and forward momentum. Let’s focus our last thoughts and actions each day with a focus toward building the energy all around us.
This post is for Sunday and as I often like to do as a grounding exercise, I turn to the scripture for guidance and seeking wisdom or discernment. Throughout the last few weeks, the recurring message is two-fold. The first is on the need to serve those in need. To turn any attention from my own personal challenges and those the world imposes, to the real needs that literally surround me. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” (Matthew 25:35)
Let’s expand that … “For I was sad, For I was anxious, for I was overwhelmed…” You get the idea. These words are a call for us to look up and to see that no matter if it’s a smile, a kind word, physical help or sharing our resources…there is a need at every corner, and we are just the people to do that.
The second message has been the initial focus of this blog… the need for us all to SHIFT into all that is good and plentiful and brings gratitude. The scripture, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- If anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” Philippians 4:8) We have 47 days remaining… let’s finish strong, let’s finish with locked arms toward building community and shining light in every dark corner that we approach.
Sending my love and prayers.
(Mom update: She remains under Hospice care at a local nursing home. She is holding her own and we honor each day and trust in knowing that God will carry forward the perfect plan. Your love and prayers have been what has and continues to hold us all up through this season. We are blessed beyond. Thank you.)