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3 ways to have more energy

blog_759540_2838533_1453779527If you aren’t familiar with this guy, he is a trained Sherpa. Sherpas take groups of brave (and prepared) men and women up Mount Everest. Sherpas are incredible in their ability to survive in the conditions at such high altitudes. They can do this because they were born and raised into this environment. They train themselves from a young age and have adapted to what for most is an extremely dangerous environment.

A Sherpa, in addition to guiding these missions, carries the greater load of the equipment, which is what you are seeing above. As I thought through what a good visual would be for a blog on energy, I struggled a bit, and then our pastor had a picture of a Sherpa in our sermon yesterday so a light bulb went off! Many days I feel overwhelmed with all I have to do, and that alone can take the energy right out of me! So how do we get the energy to not only survive, but to excel in our lives?

There are no shortage of “lists” out there, but I’m focused on those that aren’t about sleep, fuel and exercise, although those are important.  I’m focused on the not so obvious. Here you go! Let me know what you think!

  1. Surround yourself with people who drive your energy up. Seriously, people have the ability to make or break your energy level.  There will always be those people that for whatever reason drain the life right out of you (you can picture them right now, can’t you?), so be sure to schedule your days and weeks so that the majority of time you are with people who spark positive energy.  You know who they are!  Identify them, cultivate that relationship and thank them!
  2. Build your schedule around work that has a purpose that matches your values. In the same way it is with people, projects tend to either bring you to life, or “not so much.”  I am so there on many days and can do a way better job in this category.  Look at your calendar TODAY (as in as soon as you can get to it after reading this) and see what projects you have up the next few days.  Identify those that aren’t something that fills you up-  Again, those may not be able to be taken away, but be sure to surround those with work or activities that do have PURPOSE and that you will truly be able to showcase your talent.  Change things around and stay mindful of how important this is!  It’s a great exercise to do on a regular basis.
  3. FInally, OWN your energy level. Don’t make excuses for the people and projects that may create a deficit for you.  We all have the ability to shape our worlds in a way that drives us to our own personal success and happiness.  We can’t let others “take the wheel” so to speak.  Decide today that you are going to OWN this category and then make it happen.  When it is at all possible, say no when you need to, say yes only when it excites you or if it is important to those you love and care about, and structure your life for SUCCESS.